资料更新: 2015-05-01 18:03:12 总访问人:12973人次
Yangzhou Huiyin Household Appliance Co., Ltd is pitching for 3rd and 4th Market of the Electrical Appliances. It mainly deals in color TVs、refrigerators、air-conditionings、washing machines、computers、central air conditioning systems、intelligentized multimedia systems、fashionable mini electrical appliances、digital products etc.
公司秉承“厚德载物 源远流长”的企业文化;以为股东创造价值、为客户创造价值、为员工创造价值为使命;立足扬州,布局华东,辐射全国为目标。
We have inherited and are persisting in “the long standing and social commitment” as our enterprise culture. It’s our mission to create values for the shareholders, clients, and employees; and it’s our goal to set our base in Yangzhou and make overall arrangement in east of China to radiate throughout China. Until December, the company has established 20 self-managed stores, 300 franchised stores and 100 after-sale service centers in the range of Jiangdu, Baoying,Yizhen and Tianchang of AnHui Province. The company has been listed in Ministry of Commerce's 11th Five-Year Plan of “Myriad Country Project”. Leading by the board of directors, the company officials plan to set up 50 self-managed stores, 500 franchised stores and 280 after-sale service centers before the next two or three years.